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Council Meetings

Ordinary Council Meetings

Council meets on the third Tuesday of every month at 4pm at the Kellerberrin Council Chambers, Shire Administration Office, 110 Massingham Street, Kellerberrin, unless otherwise specified.

Meeting Dates 2025
  •  January 2025 – No Meeting
  • Tuesday, 18th February 2025
  • Tuesday, 18th March 2025 
  • Tuesday, 15th April 2025 
  • Tuesday, 20th May 2025 
  • Tuesday, 17th June 2025
  • Tuesday, 15th July 2025 
  • Tuesday, 19th August 2025
  • Tuesday, 16th September 2025 
  • Tuesday, 21st October 2025 
  • Tuesday, 18th November 2025 
  • Tuesday, 16th December 2025 

Meeting Times
Councillors Briefing Session on Agenda at 1:00pm
Ordinary Council Meeting commences at 4:00pm.
Public Question Time commences as 4:05pm and is limited to 15 minutes.

Local Public Notice will be given to any changes to date, time and place.
Council encourages openness at its meetings and the public is welcome to attend any meetings.

Council encourages openness at its meetings and the public is welcome to attend any meetings. 
Further information can be obtained from the Chief Executive Officer or Manager of Governance on (08) 9045 4006 during normal business hours.

Public Question Time

(Public Question Time is conducted in accordance with the Local Government Act 1995) 

Public question time is an opportunity for members of the community to ask questions. A minimum of 15 minutes is allowed so questions must be brief and concise, relating to the ordinary business of the Shire of Kellerberrin/function of the Shire. During the meeting, members of the public will be called forward to ask their questions as specified in the Agenda. The Presiding Member will invite you to come forward to ask your question/s. You will state your name and place of residence and then proceed to ask you questions one a time. The Presiding Member may limit the number of questions each person may ask if there are a large number of people wishing to ask questions and any questions relating to an agenda item will be considered first and those dealing with matters of a general nature will be considered in the order in which they have been received. This is to ensure an equal and fair opportunity for everyone wishing to ask questions during the Council Meeting. Also if you have a question that the Presiding Member believes has been previously responded to, you will be advised accordingly. No debate or discussion about the question or answer will take place during Public Question time at the meeting. 

If you would like to ask a question at a Council Meeting, especially if it is complex and may require research, we ask that you register and submit your questions in writing before midday on the day of the meeting. This allows any research to be conducted so a complete and considered answer can be given at the meeting rather than your question/s being ‘taken on notice’. 

Please submit a question, via email to the Chief Executive Officer at, or with the form below. 

To Submission Form

Annual Electors Meeting

What is an Annual Electors Meeting?

In accordance with Section 5.27 of the Local Government Act 1995, an Annual General Meeting of Electors is to be held once every financial year. the Act and associatied legislation prescribe the matters that are to be discussed.

What is the purpose of an Annual Electors Meeting?

A local government is required to prepare an Annual Report each year that provides an overview of the operations, activities and major projects undertaken by Council for that year. It also reports on any major projects and plans that are proposed to commence in the next financial year.

The Annual Reports can be found HERE.

Who can participate at an Annual Electors Meeting?

Only an elector of the Shire of Kellerberrin is entitled to participate at the Annual electors Meeting. In accordance with Section 1.4 of the Local Government Act 1995 an elector is defined as, “elector, in relation to a district or ward, means a person who is eligible to be enrolled to vote at elections for the district or ward”, and as depicted in Section 5.26 of the Act this also includes ratepayers. You can still attend and observe the meeting if you are not an elector, but participation can only be permitted if a resolution is passed by the lectors present that permits you to do so. 

Electors Special Meeting

What is an Electors Special Meeting?

An Electors’ Special Meeting is a type of meeting under the Local Government Act 1995 that may be requested by the electors of the district.

It’s important to understand that this meeting is not a decision making forum. The purpose of the Electors’ Special Meeting is to discuss a specific matter as outlined in the request which will then be presented to Council for consideration at the next Ordinary Council Meeting or soon as reasonably practicable.

Who can request an Electors Special Meeting?

Electors of the Shire of Kellerberrin (Electors) may call for an Electors’ Special Meeting by submitting the required form to the President. The form must be signed by 300 electors or 5% of the number of Electors, whichever the lesser number and specify the matters to be discussed.

A request for an Electors’ Special Meeting must specify the purpose for which the meeting is being called in a brief and clear manner.

What happens once the Elector’s Special Meeting is requested?

The President can decide not to hold an Electors’ Special Meeting or permit a particular matter to be discussed at an Electors’ Special Meeting if the President is satisfied that the substance for each matter for discussion specified in the request:

a)  was discussed, in whole or in part, at an Electors’ Special Meeting held in the last 12 months from the date of the request, or
b) was, or will be, discussed at a Electors’ Special Meeting that was, or will be held within 35 days after the date of request.

However, when the Shire President exercises the power not to hold an Electors’ Special Meeting, the President is required to raise the matter at the next ordinary meeting of Council.

Upon confirmation of the request by the Shire President, the CEO will convene an Electors· Special Meeting by giving public notice of the date, time, place and purpose of the meeting.

The Electors’ Special Meeting will take place not more than 35 days after the request for the meeting was received by the Shire President.

Public Question Time Submission