Sporting Groups - Office Bearers
The Shire of Kellerberrin conducts its Annual Office Bearers Audit for all Local Sporting Clubs around March each year.
Keeping your details up to date with the Shire of Kellerberrin, we can assist you with;
- Funding opportunities;
- Advertising fixtures through our social media and webpage and;
- Use of Councils Facilities.
Please complete the below form at the bottom of the page or click on the button to download the form. If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to contact the Shire Administration Staff and they will be able to assist you to make sure your details are up to date with Council.
Sporting Clubs
Basketball Club
Kellerberrin currently only has a junior competition.
Basketball courts are located at the Kellerberrin Recreation & Leisure Centre on Connelly Street. Courts are multi-purpose with lights.
Season: November to April
Contact: Jenna Saunders
Phone: 0429 0587 793
Bowling Club – Kellerberrin
Bowling Greens are located at the Kellerberrin Recreation & Leisure Centre, Connelly Street.
Committee meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month.
Scrounger Bowls are held on every Sunday all year round.
Competition Season: October to April
Contact: Dennis Reid
Phone: 0428 381 044
Bowling Club – Doodlakine
Bowling Greens are located on Spring Street, Doodlakine.
Committee meetings are held on the last Monday of each month.
Competition Season: October to April
Contact: Wayne Smith
Phone: 0428 458 121
Cricket Club - Junior
The Cricket Club is a member of the East Avon Cricket Association and home games are played at the oval at the Kellerberrin Recreation & Leisure Centre, Connelly Street.
Junior Cricket is played on Saturday mornings competing against Bruce Rock, Merredin, Mukinbudin and Tammin.
Season: October to March
Contact: Craig Saunders
Phone: 0417 975 332
Eastern Wheatbelt Riding Club
Season: February to November
Dart Club Contact: President – Tia Moloney
Phone: 0457 650 594
Website:Home (
Football Club
Kellerberrin Football Club amalgamated with Tammin Football Club in 1995 to form Kellerberrin Tammin Football Club (KAT’s) with both Reserve and League teams competing in the Avon Football Association. Other towns in the Avon Football Association are Beverley, Cunderdin, Northam (Railways and Federals), Quairading and York.
Home games are shared between Kellerberrin and Tammin, being played at the Kellerberrin Recreation & Leisure Centre and Tammin’s Donnan Park Oval with a majority of games played on Sundays.
Season: May to September
Senior Football Contact: Paul Giles
Phone: 0429 600 065
Football Club - Junior
KAT’s also have a junior football competition with games played against Beverley, Cunderdin and Quairading prior to the commencement of the senior games.
Auskick and Junior Football are held on Friday nights in Kellerberrin.
Season: May to September
Auskick and Junior Football Contact: Ryan Forsyth
Phone: 0409 299 686
Golf Club – Kellerberrin
The Golf course is situated below Kellerberrin Hill with the club rooms located at the Kellerberrin Recreation & Leisure Centre, Connelly Street.
Competitions are held on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday throughout the season.
Committee meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month.
Season: April to October
Contact: John Nelson
Phone: 0429 455 016
Golf Club – Baandee
The Golf course is located in Baandee off Goldfields Road (between Arthur and North Baandee Roads).
Competitions are held on Sunday throughout the season.
Season: April to October
Contact: Ben Heinrich
Phone: 0429 443 219
Hockey Club
Kellerberrin Hockey Club comprises of Men, Women and Junior teams. The hockey field is located on the corner on Hinckley and Connelly Street as part of the Kellerberrin Recreation & Leisure Centre complex.
Kellerberrin Men are part of the Greater Wheatbelt Men’s Hockey Association and complete against Bruce Rock, Burracoppin, Merredin and Narembeen.
Kellerberrin Women are part of the East Avon Women’s Hockey Association and compete against, Cunderdin, Meckering, Quairading and Tammin.
Junior hockey is played before the women’s games. Juniors compete against, Cunderdin, Meckering, Quairading and Tammin.
The majority of games are played on Saturday afternoon with the occasional fixture on a Friday night.
Season: May to September
Women’s Contact: Jenna Saunders
Phone: 0429 058 793
Men’s Contact: Jason Stevens
Phone: 0429 375 522
Junior’s Contact: Jenna Saunders
Phone: 0429 058 793
Netball Association
Kellerberrin has both junior and senior competitions. Netball courts are located at the Kellerberrin Recreation & Leisure Centre, Connolly Street. The courts are multi-purpose with lights.
Net-Set-go and Junior netball is played every Wednesday afternoon with a Senior competition following in the evening.
There is also a Junior and Senior Netball Competition that follows the Avon Football League. Seniors play all towns within the Avon Association while Juniors play the towns of Beverley, Cunderdin and Quairading.
Season: April to September
Netball Contact: Kelsey Pryer
Phone: 0431 187 206
KAT’s Netball Contact:
Leanne Dale
Pistol Club
The pistol club is located on Scutter Road, approximately 3kms west of Kellerberrin and is held on Thursday nights.
Contact: Jim Kelly
Phone: 0400 196 483
Kellerberrin Pony Club
The Pony Club is situated at the northern end of the Kellerberrin Recreation & Leisure Centre, Connelly Street. Entry to the grounds can either be via the gates on King Street or via the main entrance off Connelly Street.
A number of major events and rallies are held throughout the season.
Committee meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month.
Season: March to November
Contact: Rosie Duncan
Tennis Club
Tennis courts are located at the Kellerberrin Recreation & Leisure Centre, Connelly Street. The courts are multi-purpose with lights.
Junior tennis coaching clinics are held weekly throughout the season followed by social tennis for adults.
Committee meetings are held monthly during the season.
Season: October to April
Contact: Simon Tighe
Phone: 0439 965 006
Change of Club/Group Details
If there have been any changes to your Club, Group or Commitees details, please complete the below form and submit to the Shire for updating.