Living In Kellerberrin - Useful Information
Animal Control
Registrations are due 31st October each year.
Dogs over the age of three (3) months must be registered. All registrations require dogs to be microchipped.
Cats over the age of six (6) months must be registered. All registrations require cats to be sterilised and microchipped.
Animals wandering at large will be impounded. Impounded animals can be collected from the pound after paying associated fees. Registered animals will be returned to their owner on one occasion without penalty.
If you have an animal complaint, please call into the Shire Administration Office and complete a complaint form. Your complaint will then be forwarded on to Council’s Ranger for required attention.
Waste & Recycling Services
Mobile Wheelie Bins
Council’s rubbish removal service is provided under contract by Avon Waste. Collection day for all bins (Commercial and Domestic) is on Friday. Please ensure bins are placed kerbside prior to 6am to ensure collection.
Do not leave your bin permanently by the kerb as the replacement of a stolen or damaged bin will be at your expense. The bin has a serial number stamped on the side and this number is recorded against your property address. Should you vacate the house, the bin should remain. Avon Waste will only collect the number of bins allocated to each property on councils rating system.
If you require replacement or additional bins please complete a bin request form from Administration Office to arrange delivery. Alternatively, please contact the Administration office if you want to have unwanted bin(s) removed from your property.
Waste Transfer Station
Situated 5km south of Kellerberrin on Inverarity Road, the transfer station is open weekly from Friday to Monday 8am to 12pm and 12.30pm to 5pm with a supervisor in attendance at all times.
The transfer station will only accept household rubbish, green waste, private use engine oil or domestic items. Some building materials may be accepted with prior approval from the Manager Works and Services (charges may apply). It will not accept tyres, concrete slabs, car batteries, fibre cement, rubber and asbestos or industrial/commercial rubbish.
Recycling Services
Recyclable goods (cans, cardboard, paper glass and plastic) can be placed in the bins provided on Leake Street (Car Park adjacent to Centenary Park). Please FLATTEN cardboard boxes and ensure all items are empty/clean, and suitable for recycling. The cardboard bin is emptied fortnightly by Avon Waste, however if you notice the bins are full please notify the Shire office, so collection can be arranged.
Drum Muster
The Men’s Shed will be conducting the Drum muster collection. Farmers are encouraged to bring their empty clean chemical drums for collection. Please contact the Men’s shed for further information. (0436 284 070)
Bush Fire Control
Landowners are responsible for ensuring that their property is fire safe.
Council will distribute Bushfire Notices in September outlining land owner requirements and the Fire Season Permit Periods indicating restricted and prohibited periods. Penalties can apply if not compliant.
Harvest and Vehicle Movements Bans maybe issued for the Shire of Kellerberrin during the permit period. Notifications shall be issued via SMS messaging, ABC Radio, and by email to surrounding and adjoining Local Governments, should you wish to be added to the SMS list please contact the council office.